Sunday, August 23, 2015

can you really have a life strategy?

You and I are the sum of our parts -- a combination of everything from early childhood to last week's dinner table conversation. All of those parts work together - or integrate - to form the way we live our lives, make decisions and plan our future.

We can't control the future, but we can control the choices we make today that influence the options we have tomorrow. To some people, life just happens. If you could measure your ability to live according to your full potential, how are you living? 100%? 60%?

If someone offered to help you discover how to live 100% according to your design, what would you do? Ask any business planner, having a plan does not guarantee results, but having a plan sure does guarantee better results than having no plan!

Your life strategy is

  • a look back at what has influenced your life until now,
  • an honest look in the mirror at who you are today, and
  • a hopeful look into the future based on your unique gifting and design.
So, do you think you are living your whole life now?

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